Sunday, 11 March 2012

Soap Favours

Amidst the wonderful busy-ness, I continue to experiment, create, produce and sell soap.

I have been creating various options for soap favours - for business events, special occasions, weddings, communions, parties...

 (the insert, describing the soap)

So many ideas for upcoming posts, so little time...
- a post about some wonderful soaps I was sent from Mika at
- a post about follow up to some experiments (whole lemon, silk, castille, water discounts...)
- a post about another wonderful soap gift I received from another fellow soaper living in Spain at
- another studio update
- olive oil quality soap update - castille soap on my face...
- soap pricing

Happy Soaping!!!

xoxo Jen


  1. These favours are soooo beautiful, love the bright paper you wrapped them in. There will be many happy mums next Sunday xx

  2. Beautiful and obviously lovingly made. What happy, happy colors.

  3. Your packaging is so so so cute! I love the bright attractive colors! You are so creative.

  4. Miss Polly, Thank you! Glad you like them!! xo Jen

    Michele (Tierra Verde), Thank you for your comment! Maybe these colours reflect my mood lately? xo Jen

    Michelle, Thanks!! I love creating and would love to have several event and special occasion options, with different prices. I liked colours here too!!! Thank you! xo Jen

  5. Such pretty soapy packages, Jen. I'm looking forward to future posts too.

  6. Tara, Thank you so much!!! xo Jen

  7. Great work done...the packings are awesome...Thanks for posting.. :)

    Castile Soaps

  8. Oh Jen, I love the packaging, so colourful, they will be a lovely pressie to all those hard working mums out there. Lucky them!!

  9. Jen, you are such a role model for professional packaging, any business would be blessed to have your soap. I am making soap for a fundraiser this spring. Nervous and excited, may I use your business insert idea?

  10. Edward, Thanks for your nice comment!! xo Jen

    Soapchick, So glad you like them!! I have had fun creating them!! xo Jen

    Donna, You make me blush. I don't know about role model, I think we are all learning from each other here!! But thank you. Of course you can use the business insert idea. I was trying to find a way to put my www on the outside but it just looked too tacky so i stuck it on the insert!! Post pix of your designs!! xo Jen

  11. Such a lovely packaging, Jen!!!And the colours are so'full of life', I really like them.I also love your themes, I haven't seen it before on a soap packaging. Now I see( again!) why your soaps are so uniques!
    take care

  12. Natalia, What a lovely comment - Thank you!!! xo Jen

  13. Adorable new soaps, love the insert as well. Where do you find the time with everything else happening?


  14. Michelle, Glad you like them!! It is a wonderfully busy time in my life. All is well. I asked myself the other day - what is the difference between busy and stressed? interesting question isn't it. So, I am busy, and enjoying what I am doing, but don't feel stressed!! Hope all is well with you and your sis. xo Jen

  15. Can´t wait to see what you think!

    BTW - are you sure about the Mother´s Day thing? My understanding is it´s the first Sunday in May. San Jose is this weekend (love those festivos).

    Always want to know more about the new shop.

  16. Coco, I think this Sunday is the English mother's day... Spanish and even Canadian (2nd Sunday in May) are different dates!! Always nice to hear from you! xo Jen

  17. Jennifer, what a lovely packaging!! I love them very much!
    in Japan, Mother's day is 2nd sunday in May. so I will order some soaps for my mother.( I think I will ask you in next month again!)

  18. OMG! Your packaging is adorable! Totally loving the bright colors.

  19. Mika, I have some Olive Scrub soap set aside for you just in case. I also experimented with silk recently and made a very similar soap to the olvie scrub but with silk instead of the olive bits. In Canada, Mother's day is also the second Sunday in May... So glad you like this packaging!

    Anne-Marie, Thank you for your sweet comment! I think the brightness reflects my mood lately!! xoxo Jen

  20. Lovely as ALWAYS, Jen!! xxx~Amy

  21. Wow! Adorable little soaps! And it looks like you better get to blogging if you're going to cover all of those topics...and they all sound interesting!!

  22. Amy B, Thank you!!! Love your recent post about growing your own ingredients. xo Jen

    Amy W, Thank you! I know... I always think ahead when it comes to blogging and never seem to run out of topics... happy soaping! xo Jen

  23. The soap favours are fantastic! Soothing yet bright colors, pretty satin ribbons... everything so mother like. Perfect creation Jennifer!!

  24. Nitya, Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! Glad you like them. xoxo Jen
