Thursday, 10 October 2013

Guessing Game.... Again...!

Another guessing game for you....
What do you guess I was experimenting with in this soap?
What do you think happened?
The game is on!!


  1. Fudge with hazelnuts? :-) I don't have the slightest idea what you were experimenting on!

  2. cocoa powder? I have no idea, maybe something subsituted for the lye water?????

  3. pine tar, accelerated too fast

  4. Hahaha, it looks like chocolate

  5. I vote for Lisa's answer. The other thing I thought of is I hope that it isn't ruined cause that's a lot of soap!

  6. Everyone! Thank you so much for your guesses and comments!!!! Interesting... Lisa and Tracey were right on one aspect - acceleration. This soap suddenly accelerated or seized on me and I got major clumps. No one has guessed the ingredient/s I was playing with yet... xoxo Jen

  7. Essential oils blend or some organic ingredient?
    Usually these accelerated the trace.
    Anyway it looks like spanish Turon...for the winter holidays.

  8. I was hoping that you were going for that look and it wasn't acceleration--that's a lot of soap! :(

    I'm wondering if it's an alcohol, too. Those kinds of soaps move incredibly fast.

  9. Mika - you are RIGHT!!!! Wine soap is correct. So Amy 10th Ave. is right also, but Mika - EXACTLY! yes, and I felt pretty upset about losing all that soap. I am not really into rebatching, so i am thinking of other things to do with it.... will post my next attempt soon. xoxox Jen

  10. Alegria, gracias por tu comentario!!! Jabón Turron? Tentador... xoxoxo Jen

  11. Living next to a winery and vineyard, I've made wine soaps many times. Did you reduce the wine by 2/3's by simmering it for an hour or so before putting it into your batch liquids?

    It does look interesting and I can't wait to see what you've worked out!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I make the laundry powder soap(salted out) in a sometimes unnecessary soap.
    looking forward to your next post!!
