I understand that some people have had difficulties entering the Jenora Soaps blog lately and others have had difficulty leaving comments. So sorry but I am just not sure why. And I am not sure what can be done about it? Could it be since I changed the background? I know one follower had to search for the blog again on google instead of clicking on her saved link. That worked for her. If anyone know how glitches like this can be fixed, please let me know!
I share some photos of experiments with you...

Beer Honey Shampoo (a fave of mine)

Goat Milk Charcoal Facial Soap
This was my first experiment with Charcoal & my first experiment with Titanium Dioxide. Charcoal was very easy to work with. Titanium however, was not… Notice the white streaks? After googling it, I found whole lot of advice about how to use Titanium Dioxide. I made another attempt which was much better. However, I don’t think it does anything worthwhile to my soaps to continue using it. Slight colour difference, but nothing wow. So for my soaps, for now, I will most likely not continue using it. Pure Spearmint Essential Oil…. This soap turned out very nice on my combination skin face.

Goat Milk Charcoal Facial Soap II
No swirling this time. But other than that, a similar recipe. More charcoal. Still waiting for it to cure before trying it out.

Honey Goat Milk (no added scent)
“Save a Dog” Doggie Shampoo Bar
Aloe Vera Soap
This did not turn out very attractive. Actually the scent is not very attractive either... I was trying to get a nice green in my Aloe Vera bar. I was not going for this odd bluey/gray/purplish and I was definitely not going for the chicken pox look. At one point I got this nice green by accident:
By adding a touch of indigo to really yellow oils. I was aiming for blue and this lovely minty green came about! So I tried again with my Aloe Vera soap and got that weird looking soap! Check them out next to eachother!
Hope you enjoyed some of my latest experiments! I know I love reading about all of yours!!!!!