I found my wonderful soap cutter through sweet Ayu from Tokyo Soap Factory http://www.tokyofactory.net/. I loved the perfect size and shape of her soaps so much that I asked her how she cut them so perfect... She sent me to the link to Café de Savon or Rakuten in Japan http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/cafe-de-savon/item/f3090601/. For a very reasonable price, even with the shipping, I got this fabulous cutter & cutting base.

I LOVE cutting soap!
That is a lovely cutter! Nice! I love that last pic. I love to cut soap too.
That looks like a nice cutter. Thanks for the link, will have a look.
I think only a person that makes soap understands the pleasure that you get when you cut soap and you can see what you have been envisioning for the time it has been in the mold. Lovely pictures.
Holly, Thanks for the comment. Maybe we all love cutting soap? Yours always looks so smooooth. How do you ever get it so smooth? xo Jen
Cynthia-Rose, Ah yes... so you understand the pleasure of cutting soap too... I fantasize about getting "the tank" - master soap cutter but wonder if cutting it all at once would take away part of the enjoyment... the thrill of cutting each slice? Thanks for your comment. xo Jen
Great post!
Thank you for sharing!
That looks like a great cutter! How long did it take to ship to you in Spain? I have been looking for something like that. I have a similar one, but you just can't beat that craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing. Happy cutting! :-)
Very cool, I saw this cutter and base on soapsession as well. I have the cutter from soaphutch that I love but lately have been cutting mine with a log splitter to get a really smooth cut.
Teresa, You are very welcome! Thanks for your comment! xo Jen
Kenia, I can't remember how long it took to ship but I remember it FELT like forEVER since I was so excited. I think it too about 2 or 3 weeks. The surprise was that when it got here, I had to pay customs on it! It was all worth it in the end. I think you will be happy if you get it! xo Jen
Michelle, Thank you! I believe I had seen Soap Session cutting with this as well! Does she sell them now? You cut with the log splitter? Sounds like a super idea. Can you adjust size? Thanks for commenting. xo Jen
Hi Jen, totally know how it feels because I have a similar cutting tool too. =) Love love the photo that you lined up those cut soaps, just simply stunning!
Fabulous pictures Jen, I also love cutting soap, I think we all do, its the anticipation and pleasure of seeing your work exposed. I love the cutter you use, I am a bit fed up with mine, its not as good as I thought, got to think of something else, maybe this could be it? Thanks
Hi Anita, I enjoyed taking that photo as well. Glad you liked it. Your soaps always look so perfectly cut and stamped... xo Jen
SoapChick, I love this cutter, you may too. Seems pretty sturdy. And makes cutting so simple and the most enjoyable. I think Soap Session is selling it as well. Maybe you could post about your cutter or cutting issues? xoxo Jen
Hi Jen =)
I am so happy to hear that you are using the cutter. I love cutting soaps with it too. Your soap looks natural and beautiful as always. I love the color of the soap!
My mold from soaphutch allows you to cut soap logs using a straight cutting knife or a crinkle one. It also has a log splitter option on it as well that I can adjust to whatever size I need.
I've been thinking of the tank but I don't usually cut my soaps at 1" thickness and am changing the thickness all the time depending on the size of log I use so not sure if it would work for me. It would be so much faster though.
Soapsession sells the same cutter and base. Out of curiousity I added that the cutter was 5 pounds and the cutter w/o shipping was like $8.94 Canadian on it's own but when I guessed weight at 5 lbs (it might weigh that much with the base included) the total jumped to $54.00 and I hadn't added on the base price.
It's very cool looking and if I found one in Canada somewhere I might consider it but for now my log splitter works well.
Yeah, cutting soap, the moment of truth. Love reading about all the different cutters and molds but still afraid to commit. So I keep trudging along with my diaper wipe container mold and my husbands miter box and knife for cutting. Yet, I change my soap recipe almost every time. Go figure
Ayu, Thank you for the comment and THANK YOU for referring me to this cutter!! xo Jen
Michelle, i would love to see some photos of that log splitter/ soap cutter. Maybe you'll do a post? Sounds awesome!
I don't cut at 1" either... I like my soaps thicker. Lately they are 3.2cm thick. So I would have to get a customized tank, if I ever did get one.
Check out the shipping costs from the Japanese site... it wasn't that much. Sounds like you already have a great cutter.
Thanks for all your comments. xo Jen
Donna, Well, if your diaper mould works for you... why change it? I really try to keep my needs & wants down to the essentials. There is so much out there... I prefer to keep it simple too. I know you are into that big time and I am fascinated at your plan on down-sizing. Look foward to hearing more about that and seeing more of your soaps! xo Jen
Hi Jen, so this is why your soaps look so neat and pretty! I'm also a big fan of wire cutters. Just love the clean and straight lines they produce. Right now I'm using a homemade cutter that's still not good enough. I'm waiting for hubby to fulfill his promise of making me a really nice one!
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