Made another Shampoo Bar, this time with pureed carrots and coconut milk. I kept the oils as simple as possible. I am leaning toward using more and more olive oil in all of my products as that is what this area offers, instead of importing more exotic oils from elsewhere. Well, all of my bars also have Coconut Oil and Castor Oil in them, and most also have Shea Butter as I am in love with Shea Butter. So, I am not giving up importing entirely...!!
This shampoo bar has: Olive, Coconut, Castor, Carrot & Jojoba Oils. The liquid is a 50-50% split carrot purée and Coconut Milk. The essential oils are Bay Laurel, Lavender & Ylang Ylang. Sounds like a beautiful scent combo. Right? Wrong. It is a really odd scent. Not pretty. Won’t do this one again. Oh well, it’s all part of experimenting.

I like the colour. Must come from the carrots and carrot oil although it is not a carrot orange. As you can see, it is more yellowy than orange.
I loved working with the Carrots (first time!!) and coconut cream. The only thing is the soap seems a little dry and bumpy, like this. Do you see what I mean?

I prefer a sleek soap that you just can't stop touching... like my spoon swirl soap...

I love when you slice it and you get that sleek, smooth cut, like Sparklebrooks soaps. I get it more often than not. However, lately I have been getting these odd bumps sometimes. Could it be the climate? Does anyone know why this happens? Somehow I think maybe Guru Cocobong may know...
Also want to take a moment to talk about the “messy swirls” on top. I have had to do these on both of my recent Shampoo bar experiments as the mix got thick real fast.
Although I am a big fan of looking at photos of beautiful swirly-top soaps, when it comes to using a soap or shampoo bar, I much prefer a perfectly smooth bar. I know we all have different priorities in our soap making… some soap makers put scent first, others put appearance first. Our different priorities and focuses is what makes us all so unique!! My main focus, by far, is functionality, feel and result on my skin. So I try to get the tops as smooth as possible now, but when the soap gets thick? I swirl!

Can’t wait to try this one!!