Here is the night market I have been at for the month of August, 5 nights a week, from 8pm to approximately 1am. It is across from the Hotel Zimbali, on Vera Playa if anyone wishes to come visit!
Some of the stands...

I have a system that works well for me when it comes to selling at markets. I say hello or good evening to anyone passing by whose eye I can catch. I try to make eye contact with everyone I can. If they slow down to look, I give out free samples, small centimer squares of my best smelling soaps. Then I get chatting if they have time to listen. I tell them about the soaps in general, that I make them with natural and local ingredients. I explain the different properties of each one. Sometimes they purchase right away. Often, they return to purchase after once around the market. Other times, they return another day after trying the sample.
I find that if I don't make personal contact with them, I don't sell that well. Once I have met them and they have purchased from me, they often get in contact by email or through my site to purchase more.
So, I love being on the front line and meeting the potential customers. I love when they return after sampling...
I may be taking more pictures of some of the other artisans stands and posting.
Happy Summer Soaping!!