Woah! What a few days... creating new packaging, in other words - tweaking. Becky, http://thesoapsister.blogspot.com/, you think you got it bad? Take a look at my latest tweaking “pile”.

I have been going over and over new packaging for weeks until I have finally found something I like... When I start narrowing in on something I like, I can’t stop... I can work into the wee hours of the morning, until my eyes are too tired to go on...
The truth is, I enjoy the packaging part of it. I think I mentioned in my very first blog post that I enjoy just about everything to do with soap making... from thinking up new soaps... to hunting down ingredients... to inventing names, slogans, marketing ideas... waiting for a materials order to arrive... experimenting with scents, colour and new ingredients... the actual mixing of the soaps... waiting out the 24 hours suspense period... unveiling... cutting... trying out my soaps... blogging about them... looking at other soaps... taking photos of my soaps... searching for moulds... even lining the moulds & washing up... talking about soaps... showing off and selling soaps... I am sure I have missed a lot of stuff that I adore about soap making, but all in all, for now - I LOVE SOAP MAKING!!
Here is my latest packaging that I am pleased with for now.

I used to get excited about going out on Friday night... now I get excited about font colour? An Essential Oil scent blend? Is there something wrong with me?
My first packaging was colourful...

Or the minimalist version for the soaps that were pretty and I wanted more of the soap to be visible.

Actually my new packaging is quite similar, I just prefer the paper band to go around the bottom. I feel the bottoms stay cleaner that way.
Also, the location of the ribbon and bow on my first packaging kept causing me problems. The ribbon was always slipping off, so it didn’t look professional. It was a hastle.
Then I moved onto something a little more playful & simple, with no ribbon, which cut down a little on the packaging costs.

I have always felt that I wanted the soap visible so the purchaser could see and smell it. But recently, I had advice from someone who packages her soaps in round tins, who feels that sealing them is very important to keep the smell in?
Dilemma... to seal or not to seal... My latest packaging has both ends open.
I have tried wrapping some soaps completely and will wait a few months to see if the scent has held better or if there are any other effects of being wrapped entirely.

I also invented a box... I kind of like the box idea. I punched a little sun in the corner so that you can see and smell the soap. Hole or no hole? To seal or not to seal?

Love to hear your thoughts on my different packaging... and if you think soaps should be sealed or not... and anything else you may wish to contribute!!