A few months ago, when several of these soapers with blogs that I follow began posting about their Shampoo Bar experiments, I got an idea....
A SHAMPOO BAR EXCHANGE!!!! This way, I would get to try out some different shampoo bars, get feedback on my shampoo bars and do a soap experimental exchange/ challenge which I have been dying to do since I began soaping.
So I contacted:
Tierra Verde Handmade Soaps http://tierraverdesoaps.blogspot.com/
Great Cakes Soapworks http://www.greatcakessoapworks.com/handmade-soap-blog/
The Soap Sister http://thesoapsister.blogspot.com/
and invited them to participate. They all agreed! It took a couple of months to get things ready for shipping and recently we all shipped off our shampoo bars!
We are now going to be using one soapers bar at the same time and blogging about them...
Can't wait!!
Please forgive the repeat photos. The photos in the blog are the shampoo bars I sent, and I don't have new photos as I don't have my camera back yet!!
Leg update: I am walking better and better and enjoying physio-therapy! Leg, foot and ankle still get pretty swollen, so I put the leg up for rest sometimes as well....
Happy Soaping and Shampooing to everyone!
Great Idea, Jen.
I am looking forward to read about this
Estupenda idea, es bueno probar los jabones de otras personas, siempre se aprende mucho.
Definitely looking forward to receiving your bars, Jen! They look fabulous!!
Oh I love shampoo bars......haven't used bottled shampoo for about 8 months now.
I've just cut a batch of avocado and honey 'poo bars, they have the look and scent of homemade lemon curd.
I look forward to reading how you get on with each others bars :-)
Great idea! Mine should be just about ready to try.
Glad you´re on the mend.
I cannot wait to read all about your exchange. Great idea! Happy to hear the leg is feeling better, Jenn.
Hi Jen
I cant wait to hear about this exchange. I so want to make a really good shampoo bar, I keep being asked 'do you do solid shampoo' and resisting saying "well all my soaps are OK to use on your hair" until I am sure they are. Are you up for another in your test? I have one that I think would be really good. Keep up the fab workXX
Yahoo ! Me too ! Just made my first soap bar following a recipe from Cocobong but tweeking it a bit of course. Poured into PVC pipe for round bars that I cut in half for better hold. They cure as I write. Cannot wait to hear all the reviews about all the soaps. I hope some will share actual recipes.
Ooooh, what a fun idea! I can't wait to hear all of your thoughts on each other's shampoo bars.
PS. Glad to hear that you're healing and able to walk a bit more!
Hi Jen. I hope your leg gets better and healed soon. It's good to hear it is getting better. =)
I am looking forward to read your shampoo bar report.
Jen,just a test to see if I am able to post a comment. I tried earlier and for some reason was not able to post.
Zwerg, Thank you for your comments! I am just as excited about using the various bars!! xo Jen
Julia, Muchisimas gracias. Tienes razón. Estamos aprendiendo muchisimo! xo Jen
Amy - Can't wait for you to try mine out either!! xo Jen
Soap, Fairies, Sounds wonderful - Avocado and Honey - do you use actual mashed up avocado? xo Jen
Coco, let us know how your shampoo bars are! You are a fabulous photographer... xo Jen
Tara, Thanks so much! xo Jen
Soapchick, I will test out a bar of your shampoo/ soap if you like. Send me an email if you really wish for me to test and blog about it! Thanks! xo Jen
Donna, Let us know how your shampoo bar is! Can't wait to hear about yours either. xo Jen
Anne-Marie, Thank you so much!! xo jen
Soaptician, Thank you for your comments. My leg is better and better daily! xo Jen
Michele, I am having that nightmare with posting again as well... and commenting. I have a new laptop which is fabulous except that I can't leave comments on blogs and can't post so have to go back to the desktop for that.... xoxo Jen
Happy Soaping all!!! xo Jen
How did I miss this blog post? Your shampoo bars are GORGEOUS!! I'm out of mine, and I just cringe every time I use the commercial stuff. Thanks for the inspiration!
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