The lovely Robin from Kinky Witch Soap participated in my Olive Oil experiment and as a surprise sent me a gift of some awesome soap she makes and a dreamy lip balm (not included in the photo as I believe my daughter has hidden it on me... we both love it!).
Not only does this soap look good and smell wonderful... This ROCK HARD bar produces AWESOME, sudden & lasting, big, fluffy, abundant suds. I find this bar rather addicting as well as the tasty, moisturizing lip balm...

Thank you so much Robin for the amazing gift!!
I only have one piece of advice I could offer you...
You lucky girl, the soap looks like a slice of strawberry cheesecake! Enjoy.
Jen, you are such a sweetheart to do a review of my soap and lip balm! I thoroughly enjoyed being a tester for your olive oil experiment and you are most welcome for the gift!
Yes, I think a blog is in my future this year ^.^
Kinky Witch Soap
Kinky witch soap...what a great name! I for one will read that blog.
Jen, I too had some real crumbly soap this week. And I did make laundry soap with one bactch. The other batch I rebatched in my crockpot with a little water and 2 oz of Castor Oil. It came out fantastically ! Soap is an odd and wondrous thing is it not?
Cynthia Rose, you are so right, it does look like cheesecake! xoxo Jen
Robin, Can't WAIT for your blog!! xo Jen
Donna, I know - what an AWESOME name!!! Ah... crumbly soap... disasterous in soap just never really turn out to be disasters do they? All opportunitities to learn? Wondrous is a fabulous word. You are so right. If it were all easy and perfect each time, i think I would have gotten bored by now.... xoxo Jen
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