This is the market stand a friend of ours built for me and I am SOOO pleased.
The table goes underneath and I still need cover to go over it, to provide shade. I hunted down material for the shade. It is not easy to find things in the collection of little villages where I live. The first quote was 20€/ meter!! Finally I found some good cloth in "Naturalmente Mediterraneo" green for 6€ per meter (2.80m width) and I have someone making it for me. In the meantime, I just throw a colourful cloth over the stand and secure it on with clothespegs.
I have had a few people request more detailed photos of it, so here they are.
All the parts, disassembled.

The tall parts on my roof rack. The rest fits into the car.

The feet.
The main supports, the "legs". They go into the feet.

Nuts & Bolts
Support Cross Pole
Top - (the cat you can see in the photo is Selena and yes she has a crooked lightening tale like a witches cat)

Hooking the legs into the feet and top

Securing the legs onto the top

Upright but not fully opened yet



Adding and securing cross support pole.

Another photo of the mounted stand in my garden.

The angle of the top can be easily shifted from the back to the front, to shift it with the sun.

As you can see, it is quite small. My table is only 1.2 meters accross. Keeping it small gives me more opportunities for markets. If the stand is bigger, it is more difficult to find space at a market.
Once the shade is ready, I will post pictures with the shade... maybe even operational at a market!
Hope this has been useful for those of you who wanted to see more detailed photos.
Happy Soaping to all.
Es simplemente perfecto!!
That is just the neatest little set up Jen. Thanks so much for the great pics. Love it!You are such a lucky girl.
Enhorabuena Jen !Buena suerte y dinero!
Un maravilloso domingo!
That's a really great idea! Can't wait to see it with the fabric cover too.
Ana, Muchísimas gracias!! Lo he montado en un mercadillo en Lorca hoy y que facil! Estoy encantada! xo Jen
Michele, Tierra Verde, Thanks for the comments. Can't wait to post pix of the shade when it is done. I will post pix shortly of a market I did today with just a cloth over top... xo jen
Claudi, Muchas gracias!! Espero que tu también tengas un domingo maravilloso. Acabo de venir de un mercadillo en Lorca esta mañana y me quede impresionada con los daños alli. Que suerte tenemos de estar sano y vivo. Creo que haré un Post con fotos. xoxo Jen
Jen it looks really nice -so rustic & natural. Just perfect to showcase your beautiful natural soap! :D Give your carpenter-friend a hug from me. ;) ~Becky
Hey Jen, that is a lovely looking thing - I love the rustic look, can't wait to see what it will look like with the cover on. Make sure you take a couple of photos for us to see.
That wood is just gorgeous - like Soapchick said, very rustic. Muy bonita!
So much nicer than the aluminum and platic tents we use here in the US so often. The ones EVERYONE has. Very special soap deserves a special stand.
Becky, Thank you. I will let our friend know how impressed you were!! xo jen
Soapchick, Thank you. I am really liking the Rustic Look. This will help me out maybe get into some of the medieval markets here. Now that I have the material for the cover... i am finding it challenging getting someone to make it. Had an appointment with someone this morning but my car broke down.... ah well. It is all one big adventure!!!! I find when it is really difficult to get something done, it is so much more rewarding in the end, no? xo Jen
Rose Marie, Thank you very much. I have been admiring and "following" your blog for a while, but I am rather blog-challenged when it comes to non-blogspot blogs... or I would officially follow and put it on my blog roll. xoxo Jen
Donna, Thank you. Funny you should mention those tents because there is a special (very good price) on these simple, aluminium & plasticy tents at one of the bigger supermarkets in the area and they are popping up everywhere. I had thought of getting one, but I am so pleased with this instead. I am following your move and really admiring you. I am similar to you it some ways I think. I am happier with less, but because of all of the outside influence, get drawn to more. Sometimes I think I would be okay, lost on some island trying to survive on very little. I feel like that is what you are doing sort of and I am in awe. I also think you are very lucky to have a husband who feels the same as you. My husband can't wait for the IPhone 5 to come out when his Iphone 4 works just fine... ah he is wonderful, just probably wouldn't enjoy the desert isle... xo Jen
That is fabulous! And ingeniously put together. Ikea should be so clever.
Can´t wait to see the awning.
Jennifer, the stand is so unique and perfect for highlighting the uniqueness of your soap. I don't know if I should admit this but I just now realized that you are a Canadian living in Spain. I was so focused on your soap posts. That makes the trip to Canada this summer a big trip. I'll have to read through your archives to see if there is more of your story. I'm nosy that way, you know.
Yes. Your hubby and me too - with the iPhone5! Although I don't have the 4. But that wasn't what I was going to say.. I love that stand. It's such a neat setup. And tell you friends that those shoes look really great too.
I'm so happy you are doing so well with building up your business. Great work and dedication :)
Coco, Yeah I am off this morning to meet with the lady who will help me design it so hopefully it won't be too long before I have the awning!!!! Will post pix. xo Jen
Tara, Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked the stand. Can't wait to have it all done!! Yes, Canadian but living in Spain. I think much of my story is on my blog. I started another blog as well about my more personal journey, but haven't posted in ages. It is: http://enjoyingtheroute.blogspot.com/ I began that blog when I was REALLY down. Now that i am back up it has sort of been abandoned but a project I want to get back to - telling my story - now and then. xoxo Jen
Ambra, Thanks for the comment. Always love to hear from you. Could you tell me about that source for the Indigo? jenorasoaps@yahoo.com. I am just about out... I have a pair of the sandle version of Streat's shoes and I wear them every day. If you want some, I could probably put you in touch with Streat. Happy day. xoxo jen
Hey Jen! No worries - I'd help you, but I'm Blogspot challenged - not familiar with how it works!
My email, by the way, is rose at gowestsoap dot com. I'll put it up on my blog, too, since it just occurred to me that other than commenting, there's no way for people to contact me!
That stand is amazing and looks like it works well for your markets. I agree having a smaller space gives you more opportunities. My sister and I started our smaller and now have 3 tables.
Rose Marie, just emailed you the recipe for my laundry soap! xo Jen
Michelle, Two Blooms, Wow! Three tables? Huge! I guess this stand will restrict me from growing in market size for now which is probably a good thing... for now. Why don't you post some pictures of you market table all set up???? xo Jen
Jennifer - your stand is absolutely beautiful. You are so lucky to have it!!
In-Between, Thank you so much!!! I posted these photos so that anyone else that wanted to get one of these things made, could use the design! Maybe you can! xo Jen
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