I am flattered to have been given "The Versatile Blogger" award by both Tierra Verde Handmade Soaps http://tierraverdesoaps.blogspot.com/2011/07/paying-it-forward.html and Soaperstar http://soaperstar.blogspot.com/2011/07/i-have-been-given-versatile-blogger.html
Thank you both!!!
Here is the information regarding the award.
The concept behind the Versatile Blogger Award is to follow a few rules and then pass it on to whatever blog you think deserves it. The rules are:
1 – Make a post and link it back to the person who gave you the award (and include their website address)
2 – Share 7 random things about yourself
3 – Award 7 recently discovered bloggers with this award and contact them to let them know they have won
So here are 7 Random things about myself:
1) I grew up in Toronto at Yonge Blvd and Yonge Street and my last name is Young. So I was a young Young at Yonge & Yonge.
2) I learned to knit and crochet when I was 7 years old from my aunt who is a fabulous knitter and quilter.
3) I wrote a novel when I was 12, entered it into a competion for young authors and didn’t win anything. Reading it now, I realize it wasn’t a great literary work but the accomplishment of finishing a novel still feels wonderful.
4) The greatest thing I have ever done in my life was having my daughter Aurora… she was a big surprise as I lived alone in a tiny 1 room apartment, was not in a healthy stable relationship at the time, had no money as I was a starving Grad student but none of it mattered because from the moment I saw that positive pregnancy test I knew she would be the best thing in my life. And she is.
5) When I was younger I wanted to be an actress. The constant competition hurt my self-esteem and I finally left acting behind.
6) I have written many songs over the years on my guitar but finally recorded a CD of my originals 8 years ago and felt very proud. The guitar sounds great, the voice not-so-much but it is mine and I cherish it.
7) My very favourite foods are Tomatoes and cheese. I can't go a day without either.
Now who to give this award to? Well, re-reading the instructions I notice it said Recently Discovered blogs, so I will try to choose new blogs I have been enjoying and pick blogs that have not already been nominated although I would love to nominate you all!!!
I nominate the following blogs.
Pending... a post about my recent trip to Canada!!
Happy Soaping everyone!!
enhorabuena por tu premio.
un beso
Hi Jen!!
Whaaat!!!?? Me!!!??
I am so excited!! Thank you so much!
Ok, I need to read your post really carefully.
wow! You made my day! yay! =)
Jen, that you birthed both a novel and a daughter in one lifetime is an amazing feat, regardless of whether or not it was a good book. Thank you for nominating me. I am usually terrible at doing these things but I will do my best in the next day or so. Again, thank you. I am extremely flattered. Also looking forward to hearing about your trip home.
"I was a young Young at Yonge & Yonge." ha ha ha LOL, I realy love it! :D
Jen, you are a strong woman! Hang in there! xoxo
Congratulations on your award! And thanks for thinking of me.
Hope you´re back on your feet soon.
Congrats on your award and I loved reading about your accomplishments. How amazing your wrote a novel, have a recorded CD and had a daughter.
My family and I were all sniffing your soaps the other night and loved the scents. I have the lip balm by my bed and what a nice combination of scents and I like the smooth consistency of it.
Welcome back home by the way. :)
Wow, Jen! You really are amazing! Do you still find time to knit and crochet?
Monika - Muchas Gracias!!
Soaptician AYU - I loved reading about you too! Glad you liked being nominated!
Tara - Thank you for your nice words. It was a great trip to Ontario... I will be writing more about it. Glad to see your love for Ontario as well. Did I tell you my Dad is from Cape Bretton?
Anita - Thank you!!!
Coco - You are welcome and thank you for the words of encouragement!
Michelle - Here is that email I was missing!!! it was a comment of yours! So glad you like the soap scents and the lip balm... your comments are always so sweet.
Amy - I haven't really knitted since I was pregnant with Aurora and she is 13 now! It has been longer since I have crocheted, but I have an afghan in mind that I would like to crochet sometime in future, modelled after an afghan my Grandma made for mum and I. Knitting I will go back to one day because I love it.
Thanks to all for your comments! xoxoxo Jen
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