Here are some photos of my attempt at the Spoon Swirl that my last post mentioned using Deep Russet Mica given to me as a gift by Jamie at Sahara Supplies. Thank you Jamie, for the opportunity to experiment with something new!
I had a ball making this soap! I felt like a true artist.... I envisioned myself with a Wall of Soap, flinging different coloured soap at it... what a fantasy! I was laughing while flinging into the mould and didn't want it to end!

Although I don't normally use non-natural ingredients in my soaps, I enjoyed experimenting with Mica. As I understand Micas and Oxides are not really natural colourants. As reported by Sirona Springs "They are chemically the same as the pigments that were once extracted from the Earth (minerals, rocks and such), but manufactured in a laboratory. In a way, they are better than using natural pigments because those can be contaminated with heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc). But still not natural. Mica is a colorless mineral that breaks off into flakes that are great at reflecting light, making them shiny. Colors (pigments or dyes usually) are then attached to them. So while the mica itself may be natural, the attached color is not. They are used not only in soap, but also mineral makeup." So, although I have had fun experimenting with Mica, I will leave it at that.

I think I may have overdone it with the colouring because even when cutting, the knife got coloured and the paper that wiped the knife.... I will report back on the colour of the lather once the curing period is finished.

I also think that when I experiment with this spoon swirl tecnique again, I will bring it to a heavier trace. The flinging at the bottom was a little too liquidy. Then by the time I got to the top it was much better.

As for scent, as this was an experiment, I tried something new! How about all of those little EO bottles hanging around my aroma drawer? I wanted to use some up. Also, I have been wanting to use up my Sandalwood EO for a while. I don't feel great about using Sandalwood (as I understand the trees are almost endangered!!) although I ADORE the scent... but I had purchased it a while ago and there it was staring at me from my aroma drawer, begging to be used up... So, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang. The scent is intriguing... pick up the soap again and again, sniffing to see if I really like it... I would say sensual, intriguing, dark, and smoky (not cigarette smoky but camp-fire smoky). I think the smokiness of the vetiver overtook the blend a little. I have to remember how STRONG vetiver is and use less next time. Like Geranium for me, a little Vetivert goes a LONG way.
So, there is my Deep Russet Mica, spoon swirl experiment! I have one more Mica colour to experiment with. Not sure what I will do with that one...
Happy Soaping everyone!
Looks lovely! The spoon technique is incredible, I totally enjoyed it and it really does feel mega creative! I'm feeling like doing another one today (fragrance allowing that is!)
That looks wonderful Jen! I bet you had fun doing it, I can just imagine you flinging that soap around lol. Oooo I think I want a go at that too:) great colour choice as well, the lighter colour with it really sets it off.
Nice soap, Jen! But for some reason I'm suddenly hungry for fudge! :) It really does look yummy!
Celine, Oh yes... I agree... I enjoyed this so much that I will DEFINITELY be trying this one again!! My favourite of all swirl tecniques so far (and the only one that turned out okay for me...) xo Jen
Jan, Yeah, this was a ball. Look foward to you trying as well!! I also really liked the colours. I will have to try to find a similar natural colour. Any tips? xo Jen
Becky, Ah Fudge. Yes, I worked one summer during highschool at the Canadian National Exhibition at Ye Ole' Fudge Pot and got my FIX of fudge. Loved the stuff. Hope all is well with you sweets. xo Jen
It is such a beautiful soap! It reminds me of a marbled cake
Hola Jen,
Acerca de tu pregunta en el post anterior, para mí, es más fácil entender el español.
Sería excelente poner una herramienta "traductor" en tu blog. :)
Acerca de tu jabón maravilloso, me encanta el resultado.
Besos desde Brasil,
Hi Jen! Just beautiful. I saw that spoon swirl technique on Cocobong's blog and have filed it away to try some time. You did a fabulous job!The colors are perfect together and seem a good harmony for the scent blend.
This soap turned out so pretty Jen, you did a great job. I just received Vetiver a week ago and couldn't believe how strong it was. Three weeks ago I took a perfume workshop and tried a blend with Vetiver and found it overtook the other EO's so I've made a note to use very little next time. It has a intriguing scent though.
This technique is also one that I am planning on trying. You used a nice color combo. And the EO blend sounds wonderful! Right up my alley.
Oh yes - it turned out so nice! My vetiver eo just arrived today, so I'm taking notes on what others are saying here and will use it sparingly! I tried the spoon swirl also, but with a fragrance that started setting up toward the end, so it's interesting, but not totally swirled like yours. I love yours! Very nice contrast too!
Amina, thank you so much! xo Jen
Sonia, Voy a buscar el elemento Traductor para ponerlo aqui. No eres la primera persona que me lo pide. Me alegro que te gusten las fotos del jabón! xo Jen
Michelle, Thank you for your comments. I look forward to hearing about your attempts at spoon swirls when you get to it. I am still not sure if I like the scent... too much vetiver I think... xo Jen
Michelle (Splurge), I am liking Vetiver but need to understand it. Let us know if you come up with any special Vetiver blends! xo Jen
Sirona Springs, Thank you!!! xo Jen
Amy, Thank you for your comments. Look foward to hearing more about your next experiment with spoon swirl. As for Vetivert, only used it a couple of times and it is STRONG. Also it changes throughout the cure. It mellows but stays there and it turns out nicer and nicer. Pass on any nice blends you get when you are experimenting!! xo Jen
Wow. Your soap blog makes me feel so young again. All virgin like and totally inexperienced which at age 51 is a pretty grand feeling !I read your blog and see your photos and hope that one day...one day... I could grow up and be a real soaper too. Thanks for giving me hope. P.S. made my first batch of salt soap last night. A total wreck but I rebatched, Now just half a wreck. So much fun
Donna, my soap blog rejuvinates? I thought my moisturizing soap was supposed to do that!! Who knew!!? Can't wait to see pix of your salt soap.... xo Jen
Good to know that Vetiver mellows out in time. I'll have to smell the blend I made a week ago to see how it has changed.
My mom and sister used to work at the Exhibition as I grew up in Toronto. That is so neat that you worked at a fudge place.
Hi Jen
I love that soap, the swirls are really perfect and it looks so edible, definitely my kind of soap !
That looks great. I first saw the spoon technique on Kafé's blog, she used black and white and did a video tuto which was very cool. I may need to try that some day. I haven't gotten the hang of any swirls technique yet. Realy sad! I tried Mica once, but just didn't seem to be able to get any colour with it so I gave up.
Spoon swirl? Sounds like fun! and the result looks very interesting indeed. I'm going to put it down on my "to-try" list!
Michelle (Splurge), What a coincidence. Your mum ans sis worked at the CNE as well? I didn't know you grew up in TO. Your recent pix of the swirling salt soap were awesome! xo jen
Soapchick, Hopefully you will give the spoon swirl a try as it was the most fun of all the swirling I have tried. Glad you like the pix. xo Jen
Ambra, this was my first go at MICA and the spoon swirl. I will be trying the spoon swirl again definitely because I enjoyed it so much. Somehow once I reach trace, I start to get this rushed feeling to get it all done quickly. With the spoon swirl, there was no rush... just pure live-the-moment enjoyment. xo Jen
Maggie, Please do give this tecnique a try and post pictures!! xo Jen
Hi Jennifer,
How much are you able to control for variance is colouring and for solifying when using the spoon swirl technique, and have you found it gives a lot more creative freedom?
Also, we have not used vetiver yet. What would you say is the best benefit in using vetiver?
Your Deep Russet Mica turned out great, and it does look good enough to have for dessert. Congratulations on your experiment!
Hi Jen.
The spoon technique is awesome!!
Thank you for sharing with us.
I have never heard of it and now I can't wait to try!
Your soap looks like a yummy chocolate marble cake.
Yum! =)
I totally agree that it looks like marbled cake, yum! The complexity of the swirl is great. Glad to hear that you had so much fun doing it!
Hi Jenny:
I want to share this award Ana left on my blog. Your blog is beautiful and your soaps I look most beautiful, so it deserves this award for "Blog 10. " I hope you also upload and share with your friends blogs. Moves to pick on my blog whenever you want. An affectionate. Chela.
Michael, I am not sure how to answer your question about the spoon swirl tecnique as this was the first time I ever tried it. There was basically no control... just winging it!!!
Vetiver I have only ever used twice. It is a smoky masculine scent. I suppose the greatest benefit I have found so far is its strength and endurance. I need to experiment with more Vetiver blends.
Thank you for your kind words!! xo Jen
Soaptician, Can't wait to see your experiments with the spoon swirl tecnique! It was the first time that a swirl came out well for me and it was the most fun of all my swirling experiments!! Have fun! xo Jen
Anne-Marie, Thanks for your always-so-positive words! How do you EVER have time for it all!!?? Congratulations on you beautiful baby boy. xox Jen
Chela, Muchísimas gracias!!! xo Jen
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